
The Ask
Many websites in You don’t get to try the glasses on or have someone help you in person.
vision is blurry, you may have a vision problem such as myopia. Eyeglasses can correct the problem and help you see clearly.
Most vision problems are related to how light focuses on the retina. The retina is in the back of the eye, near the optic nerve. The eye’s lens sends light to the retina, which converts the light into signals that it sends to the brain. This process creates the images we see. Eyeglasses help focus the light appropriately on the retina.

Common Issues Faced
- An incorrect prescription may give you blurred vision or make your eyes feel uncomfortable
- Especially with progressive glasses, there are other fitting measurements that need to be exact that are usually measured in person when you try on the frames.
The Solution
Characterized by medical laboratories lenses in glasses Oryx as integrated in terms of the special cut and installation of medical devices and lenses, which are devices Automatic modern which helps to master the installation and implementation of accurate detection of the doctor, as well as skilled technicians who are on a high from the level of training and professionalism.
After the completion of the cut and the installation of medical lenses tend glasses to quality control department to make sure and check the installation accuracy and conformity to uncover the doctor, as well as to ensure the quality of installation technically and cleanliness of glasses and sterilized and placed in the enclosure their own to be sent to the branch.The clinic itself equipped with the latest cutting-edge scanners and keep up with the latest international technology, as in the private Ndharat Oryx management work required for each device in the clinic periodic inspection and readiness to stand up to the fullest

- Glasses Oryx Foundation staff provide the highest level of efficiency, expertise and management to receive complaints and suggestions and to avoid any obstacles facing our customers.
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- To keep up with the latest scientific developments regarding the medical lenses and contact lenses, it is a permanent assignment of optics specialists to attend Drebeh and educational seminars, scientific and practical, local and international to keep raising the level of specialist knowledge.
- Each patient visit any gallery for glasses Al Maha, and doing revealed in Aaadath, it is opened in his name on the file sizes to keep your program look of the reference time of need and from any branch.

Facts & Figures
- Since contact lenses and glasses are characterized by a lot of diversity and difference, some technicians have been allocated for each of these types of lenses and glasses in order to emphasize the development of skills in properly installed and flour. To reach the highest levels of customer service, the medical lenses coefficient is working seven days a week to avoid delaying the customer receipt for his glasses if purchased before the holiday, and especially to the private store Medical lenses in the glasses, Maha contains a huge number of lenses to ensure that the customer’s request as soon as possible.
- Most of the branches of glasses Oryx are classified by the General Directorate of Health Affairs as (a class) that is, they contain an integrated clinic to scan customer point of view by the optics specialists licensed by the Ministry of Health and experienced enough to describe the best tests to consider for customers.

Take Away
Glasses Oryx Foundation staff provide the highest level of efficiency , expertise and management to receive complaints and suggestions and to avoid any obstacles facing our customers.